Compassion... in Between


This art piece is a reflection of own recent experience with the death of my husband, John Dunsmore in August 2019. I have known him for 34 years ( Since SVP '85) and was married for close to 20 years. His death has made me wonder where did his soul go because I was with him through the whole process, up to his cremation.I truly believe that his soul did leave his earthly realm and entered eternity. His spirit and and his body separated from the moment of his death to continue with his journey as part of his human evolution. My experience with John's death evolved my soul to be more compassionated with the in between moment.

The background of the painting is black and has collage work with acrylic outlines.There is texture on the painting through the collage pieces.

The collage pieces were put together to create a scenario, as the fire has thicker texture to demonstrate the reality of the flames. The eye is drawn and oil pastels were used to provide the "" spirit"" touches. There are oil pastel smear on the feet of the woman, the face and the body of the pregnant female.


Lori Dunsmore


Compassion... in Between






A circular artwork with a black background and a collage of different areas: flames along the bottom edge, with blue waves suggesting a cloud or spirit on top right. An abstract figure of a pregnant woman is in between the two, resembling a plant with the flower stem bent over towards the flames.


Lori Dunsmore, “Compassion... in Between,” RIT/NTID Dyer Arts Center , accessed April 26, 2024,