The Ocean of Deaf and Hearing


[ID: Artwork of a colorful tree with branches. The background consists of brushstrokes of white, gray and lime green around the tree. Blue, purple, pink, red and yellow brushstrokes as it gets closer to the tree. The tree’s trunk, branches and roots are dark brown. The body of the tree has intertwining wood branches. The words “risa,” “corazon,” and “vida” are written on some of the branches in dark brown. The tree’s branches are filled with leaves in the colors of burgund, dark green and dark orange. One of the branches have the American Sign Language sign for I-love-you.]


Salvador Sanchez


The Ocean of Deaf and Hearing






[ID: The painted artwork is of various forms of sea life, real and mythological. The background is filled with mountains, exploding volcanoes, blue sky with a full white moon. Orcas in the background jumping out of the water. At the center below water level are two black-and-white orcas, one above and one below each other. There’s an orca between them filled with the colors of gold, red, white and blue. To the right and left of these orcas are more black-and-white and colorful orca silhouettes; colorful jellyfishes, smaller silhouettes of fish; marine plants painted in black; floating white bubbles. The artwork up close consists of more marine plants in purple, small colorful schools of fish at the bottom; to the left are large orange tentacles with white suckers on a grassy platform. Around the tentacles is a large white fish and a colorful fish with an eye below it. At the center, in smaller shapes, we see DNA strands, “ASL Pride” and the I-love-you handshape in white. To the far right are more marine plants in purple and there are 2 mermaids: one with black-gray hair, brown skin and a blue body with fins; the one above has the silhouette of a mermaid filled with various colors. At the lower right-hand corner is a gold fish with white font on its body that reads “Salvador S.”]


Salvador Sanchez, “The Ocean of Deaf and Hearing,” RIT/NTID Dyer Arts Center , accessed May 2, 2024,